Greg Salmela
Jun 1, 2022


Why are you foaming at the mouth? Such an emotional rant you wrote. You must get triggered easily.

Actually, your reply proves my statement correct. And clearly, what I wrote went right over your head.

From a quick analysis of your writing, I assume you are probably a teenager, younger than 18 is my guess. At this point in your life, you clearly don’t have a grasp of critical thinking. Your so-called writing is merely emotional ranting, you haven’t yet learned to construct an argument with logic.

While you may suffer from a deficit in emotional intelligence, you are very, very emotional. I think you have to learn to control that before becoming a critical thinker.

That said, if you ever graduate from high school and enter university, that’s where you’ll come face to face with your intellectual and emotional limitations.



Greg Salmela

Hanging with human-centred thinkers, researchers and designers.