The problem with the rabid right is, in part, brain physiology. Their thinking and worldview are anchored in the amygdala.
This is where our feelings of fear, anger, hate and aggression originate. Therefore, it’s always about threat and attack. Everything is always very black and white.
When one's thinking is centred in the amygdala, one becomes allergic to uncertainty, which leads to one seizing any 'fact' that can quickly provide a feeling of certianty. This is why the right are so righteous about their version of the truth—and why the crazy, conspiratorial beliefs of Trump followers are so divorced from reality.
When activity is situated in the amygdala, it shuts down the logic centres of the brain. Therefore, regardless of innate intelligence, the rabid right cannot really think. Instead they are only able to join dots with anger, prejudice and righteousness.