Greg Salmela
May 27, 2022


First of all, you're a lazy juvenile writer. You show no sign of critical thinking. Being a right-wing fanboy, it's likely you're just echoing what you've read in rightwing opinion media.

"Many people" is lazy writing. Without any data or references, you assert a wild guess as a fact. What people? You provided no examples, no quotes, no facts.

What is most lazy about your piece, is that your argument is a strawman. The people you characterize as lazy do not even exist. They only exist in right-wing fantasy.

You've written a lazy, unsubstantiated opinion piece simply to 'own the libs', having spent zero time investigating the critical concerns people have with capitalism.



Greg Salmela
Greg Salmela

Written by Greg Salmela

Hanging with human-centred thinkers, researchers and designers.

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