Crisis and community

Greg Salmela
Jan 12, 2021


Emotionally intelligent organisations prioritize relationships even in periods of stress and uncertainty.

There was a restaurant in my neighbourhood that, like many others, had to shut down dining due to the pandemic. Where other establishments responded by simply posting take-out services or temporarily closing, this one restaurant went a little bit further. The restaurant owners used their store windows to create a public display around the theme of resilience.

I’m surprised how this small act was so comforting — not only for the entrepreneurial grit it demonstrated, but also because the owners were acknowledging that this was not just about them, it was about shoring up resilience in the community they were part of.

I founded Aegis, a relational design firm. We help create emotionally-intelligent brands and organisations.



Greg Salmela

Hanging with human-centred thinkers, researchers and designers.